Parish Groups


Al-Anon members are people, just like you, who are worried about someone with a drinking problem.

Meets Fridays 9.30am – 1:00pm Parish Pastoral Centre Room 1  (Jan McFarlane) p: 9325 7528


Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem.  It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.

A.A’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety

Tuesdays 9:30am – 12.15pm Parish Pastoral Centre Hall – Open Meeting (Sarah & Julie) and

Wednesdays 9:30am – 12:30pm in Parish Pastoral Centre Hall  (Marnie).


Stephen Halley-Wright P: 0411 040 258

The Catenian Association is an international association of Catholic laymen committed to their Faith, their families and to supporting each other.

In an increasingly secular society, the Association provides a sociable and supporting haven for men of faith to assist in meeting life’s challenges and strengthening their beliefs and moral values in their working and family lives.

The Australian National Council of the Association sees its mission as: “To contribute to the realisation of Christ’s mission, by strengthening the spiritual and family lives of Catholic laymen through the personal and collective example of faith-based friendship.”

The Catenians don’t get into fundraising or advocacy – its primarily a Catholic support group of likeminded men.

The Catenians meet in Circles and Our Lady of Grace parish is part of the Liwara Circle.

The Liwara Circle has about 50 members with 30-35 attending the monthly meetings, which occur on the first Thursday of every month (except January) from 6.45pm till about 9pm at the Croatia Club, Wishart Street, Gwelup. The meetings typically include sharing a drink, prayers, short meeting, and meal.

About 8 of the Liwara circle members are OLG Parishioners.

All Catholic men in the parish are welcome to come along and attend three meetings before committing!

Interested parishioners can call Steve Halley-Wright 0411 040 258 for any information.


We have groups of 4 or 5 volunteers that are rostered to clean once every three months. Groups either clean on Friday afternoons from 2pm, to finish in time to collect children from school, or on Saturday mornings. Duties include dusting, vacuuming and sweeping out the front. Cleaning usually takes an hour. We are always in search of new volunteers. If you would like to be a part of this worthwhile ministry please contact the Parish Office.


The OLG Children’s Liturgy is held during the 9:30am Sunday Mass, each week during school term (not on long weekends and depending on availability of volunteers).  It is staffed by 3 volunteers during the Liturgy of the Word in the Parish Pastoral Centre Hall. This is a chance for children to come along and hear the Gospel explained to them while also completing a fun activity.  All materials are provided.

To join our team of fabulous volunteers or for further information please contact email:


Is a lay International Catholic Community lived out in small local communities. It has a common way of life based on the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. Its members are from all walks of life and it helps members respond more fully to God and to integrate faith and life.

We were approached by CLC to hold a Retreat in our Parish in 2018. This was run by a Jesuit Priest from overseas. This was extremely well received in our Parish and two groups have formed through this. A morning group which meets every second Monday at 10am and an Evening Group who meet every second Tuesday at 7pm.

Another Spiritual Exercise Retreat was held for last year, 2021, in our Parish for Lent. This was called “Inner Peace in Divine Love”. During this Retreat four of our CLC members were trained to run a Retreats and they have also received training to run individual groups.

During Lent of this year, 2022, another Spiritual Exercise Retreat called “Inner Peace in Darkness and Light” is being held in our Parish. This will take place starting at 10am on Monday 7th March and 7pm on Thursday 10th March.

For further information please contact Sue Wright m: 0404 875 285 or the Parish Office 9448 4888.



Eucharistic Adoration is spending an hour before the Blessed Sacrament in prayer and devotion and is the same as spending time with Jesus Himself. It is a way of giving back the love that has been extended to each one of us personally.

Jesus invites us personally saying. “Could you not watch one hour with me”?

We are very fortunate in this parish in that we have an Adoration Chapel available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The chapel is on the south side of the Parish Pastoral Centre and entry is by a 4 digit code.

There is always a need for new Adorers to be added to the roster.

For further information please contact Margaret & Jim Staddle p: 9307 1241 or 0437 190 700


A Holy Hour of prayer is held In the Adoration Chapel (on the south side of the Parish Pastoral Centre) on the first Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm.



The ministry of the Acolytes was first introduced in the Parish of Our Lady of Grace in 1976.

The way the parish received these dedicated men was very pleasing and rewarding to Father Jim Mullins Parish Priest at that time.

WA was the first state to have Acolytes.

Father Ken Keating introduced the Senior Altar Ministry allowing the participation of several of the ladies in the Parish.

Currently active in the Acolyte ministry are Paul Lusk (coordinator), Steve Halley-Wright, Suvas Lobo, Ron Stapleton, Darren Vilé, and our Senior Altar Ministers are, Carla Christou, Denise Fudger, Juanita Halley-Wright, Juliet Taylor, and Irene Walker.

Acolytes and Altar Ministers endeavour to attend a weekend retreat annually to New Norcia.

Special mention of our longest serving ministers namely Denise Fudger and Ron Stapleton, who were both commissioned on the 15th of June 1995. It would also be remiss of me not to mention Fran Weston and of course the ever-reliable Joan Burke who assists us by having what we need, always ready and at hand.

Each of the Acolytes and Senior Altar Ministers feel honoured and privileged to serve the Lord, their Parish Priest Father Hyginus Ebede, Deacon Paul Stacy and their parish community in this ministry.

Paul Lusk P: 0419 951 690


Please contact the Parish Office. p: 9448 4888


Please contact the Parish Office. p: 9448 4888


Please contact David Poulton via


Our Extraordinary Ministers of  the Eucharist have the privilege of helping distribute the Body of Christ during Mass when required


The Legion of Mary meets regularly, Tuesday mornings, straight after the 9am Mass in the Parish Pastoral Centre Room 1. For further information please phone Regina 9447 2138 or visit the web site


“Be still and know that I am God”

North Beach Christian Meditation Group welcomes newcomers. Practice being in the present moment. We start with a prayer and listen to a short talk from a Spiritual Teacher. Then we meditate for 25 minutes and recite the Lord’s Prayer to finish. If you are interested, we would be delighted to have you join us or if you would like further information, please contact us. Feel free to learn with us occasionally or weekly.

Group 1:
Wednesdays 1.00pm to 2.30pm in the Parish Pastoral Centre Somers Lounge. Contact Linda 9448 2032

Group 2:
Thursdays 7.30pm to 9.30pm in the Parish Pastoral Centre Room 1. Contact (Lawrence and Diane)

For more information on Christian Meditation, go to or


Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm in Parish pastoral Centre Room 1


Our Lady of Grace School

Our Lady of Grace School empowers all students through faith, wisdom and knowledge to live fulfilling lives in our ever-changing world. We are a Catholic school steeped in the tradition of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. The Holy Family models for us, the love of God and love for each other and provides us with a unique vision to care for, and work with our families. Our school community regular donates canned goods for St Vincent de Paul at our weekly class Masses, charity days and during special occasions such as Easter and Christmas Appeals. Our Virtues of Simplicity, Family, Faithfulness and Charity underpin our relationships with each other as we build our community. Gabrielle Doyle, Principal p: 6241 9500


Fr Hyginus Ebede, Deacon Paul Stacy, Mark Marando, Mark Fuderer, Susan Wright, Madeleine Sullivan, Louisa Merry, Marilyn Lobo, Jim Joseph, Marc Tattersall, Paul Lusk & Irene Walker.

The OLG Parish Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners serving the parish and striving to discern and implement Christ’s vision for our Church. It is a consultative body and has the right and duty to provide wise advice and constructive assessments to the Parish Priest. It is to be involved in prudent policymaking, goal planning and setting of objectives to further the mission of the Parish faith community as an extension of the mission of Jesus. Meetings are held bi-monthly with the attendance of Father Hyginus and elected Council members including a representative from the Finance Committee. Parish Pastoral Council membership is for a period of two years.


Fr Hyginus Ebede, Deacon Paul Stacy, Paul Armstrong, Kristy and Cameron Shaw and Mark Fuderer.

The finance committee consists of people with appropriate skills to advise the Parish Priest on all financial matters relevant to the operation of the Parish including the preparation of an operational budget and overview of the financial health of the parish. The committee meets as required at least two monthly the others may have some additional input.


For children that attend non-Catholic schools and for those that may have missed out on receiving sacraments due to various reasons, but do attend catholic schools. The program is for children wishing to learn about their faith so as to prepare to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation. Five classes are available:

  1. Pre-Sacramental Class for children in Yrs 1 and 2
  2. Reconciliation for children in Yr 3 and above
  3. Eucharist for children in Yr 5 and above
  4. Pre-Confirmation for children in Yr 5
  5. Confirmation for children in Yr 6 and above

Classes are held on Monday afternoons in the Parish Pastoral Centre Hall during school terms, from 4.15 to 5.30pm. For further information, please contact Deacon Paul at the parish office 9448 4888 or email


OLG contact Freda (anytime) p: 0414 732 367


Weekly, on Tuesday at 1:00pm– 2:30pm in the Parish pastoral Centre Sommers’ Lounge

Weekly, for vocations, on Thursdays in our OLG church following on after the 6.45am Mass

First Saturdays, for world peace, after the 8am Mass, weather permitting, outside at the front of the church facing Kitchener Street.



Our Lady of Revelation Shrine in Bullsbrook

Our Lady of Revelation appeared to Bruno Cornacchiola in 1947, at Tre Fontane, Rome, to show humanity the truth of salvation who is Christ in the Eucharist with all the promises of the Gospel, to be made new through the Passion, death, and resurrection of Our Saviour.

The seer, Bruno, under the guidance of Our Lady, came to Perth and founded the Church and Shrine.

All are welcome to this beautiful Shrine. The Shrine is an island of faith, where we come to know our faith and understand the intimate union with the Divine and the person, as the Will of God and Mission of Christ.  OLG contact: Kazia  0421 626 521


Do you have great ideas; enjoy being creative and brainstorming, organising events or just like to help out? The OLG Social Committee enjoyed putting together the social events of 2021. We would like to continue regular events for the parish to get fellow parishioners together and build community. We are looking to collect a database of volunteers, so once an event is organised we have 3-4 volunteers for each mass time over a weekend. Volunteers will assist with setup, serving and clean up. Please write your name down at the back of the church under your preferred mass time or email…. We will contact you in advance of each planned event and ask for assistance. Want to help organise the events? We’d love to have you! Email:


Please contact Alistair 9448 6779 or 0423 898 484.


The North Beach Vinnies group meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 9.45am in the Somers Lounge in the Parish Pastoral Centre. The group’s primary focus is to provide emergency support for those in need.

We welcome anyone who would like to join us and support this work. There are opportunities for either full membership or auxiliary membership.

For further information about the group:
Contact the President of the North Beach Group via email:

Or Call the Parish Office:  9448 4888

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